Sunshine Blogger Award

Kim from Writer Side of Life has kindly nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award!

Kim lives in New Zealand and blogs about writing, reading and blogging and you really should check out her blog! She’s a professional proofreader and if you need any help . . .

I haven’t participated in blogger awards for the last six months or so and that is mainly due to me having a busy schedule and intending to return to the award and then completely forgetting who sent it! Weeks will pass and then I remember . . . and then I have a forehead-slapping moment! I have apologised previously, but I do so again as I hadn’t intended to ignore anyone.

I was thrilled to be nominated, as these awards come from other bloggers who know how much effort goes into every post that you research, write, source photos for and publish.  They are such a positive force in the blogging community and as this one has brightened up my cold November week!

The Rules/Guidelines:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  3. Nominate 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
  4. Notify the nominees about it by commenting on one of their blog posts.
  5. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award log on your post and /or your blog site.

Kim’s Questions for me:

  1. What is your favourite place in the world?

I like to be near water. I think that’s because I grew up by the River Mersey and I miss that aspect of my life now.

  1. What do you want people to get out of your blog?

I’d like them to first and foremost enjoy it and then learn a little something here and there. Is that pretentious?

  1. Cat person or a dog person?

On the fence! I would have said cat years ago. For the last 10 years, we’ve not had a cat and have a dog. I’m scared of dogs that I don’t know but appreciate the loyalty a dog offers its family.

  1. Who is your best author?

That’s tough! I always read Karin Slaughter and Karen Rose. I adore in-depth history books written by Alison Weir, Antonia Fraser and other writers of the same calibre. 

  1. What is your favourite comfort food?

I love a good chilli con carne or a roast dinner with gravy, gravy makes everything better!

  1. As a child, what did you dream of doing for a living?

I remember when very young I wanted to be an ‘air hostess’*, sadly I was always far too short for that option. *Yes I know, these days it’s flight attendant!

  1. Most dangerous thing you’ve ever done?

I swam across a river above a waterfall in Australia, I could feel the current pulling me towards the waterfall and I had to give up and walk the opposite bank to the rest of my party.

  1. Would you trust a self-driving car?

Would you? And nope!

  1. What’s the best thing about your own country?

We have a coast! (See question 1)

  1. Which 3 famous people would you invite for dinner? (Dead or alive)

Marilyn Monroe, Dorothy Jordan and Princess Diana

  1. What is your favourite quote?

‘There are 3 of us in this marriage, it’s a bit crowded!’ Not really my favourite but I’m rubbish at quotes and after choosing Diana in the last question that was the first one that popped into my head!

Questions for my nominees:

  1. If you had to choose to be on a reality show, which one would it be?
  2. If you could change your name, what would it be?
  3. How long have you been blogging? 
  4. How frequently do you blog?
  5. Share the link to a favourite post of yours, why is this your favourite?
  6. Do you check your stats for the countries that have ‘visited’ your blog?
  7. Which countries are you missing from your WordPress globe and would really like to see filled in on your map?**
  8. Are you a ‘crafty’ person? (Knit, sew, paint, macrame … ?)
  9. Assuming that you celebrate, do you shop in advance for Christmas or do you leave everything to the last minute?
  10. Do you participate in sports?
  11. Are you a sweet or savoury person?

My nominations are:

Welcome to our Campfire

Keep it Alive

My Mid-life Mayhem


Laundry and Dishes

Written in the Ink 

Applegate Genealogy

Gerry Bolton

My Life of Wife

Denney Home Place

Retired? No one told me!

Message to my nominees: I hope I’ve made you smile with this nomination but please don’t feel obliged to participate if awards are not your thing. Although I would LOVE to know the answers to your questions as I’m a nosy old bird at heart!

**Like Pokemon, you’ve gotta catch em all! If you don’t know (or care) about Pokemon think bingo or birdwatching! I’m missing a heck of a lot of Africa, some smaller countries in South America and Greenland! So if you know people that you can forward my blog to . . . 😉


16 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

  1. Wow..That was brave to swim across a river …I had a similar experience but there was no intent like you…Just a miscalculation by the captain of the boat as to when the tide would cover the sandbar we walked over to a small island in Thailand we just made it back but it was scary, to say the least ..You were brave as you intended to do it 🙂 Thank you for the nomination and well done for yours some great responses :)x

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