You’re all Welcome to Join HistorianRuby on a Trip to the Museum!

Have you missed my blog party? IT ENDS TONIGHT! Don’t miss out on meeting some fantastic bloggers. Go to the original post and share a link to a post of yours that offers us a hint of history and tell us about yourself. Sit down and be taken on a history trip!

HistorianRuby: An Historian's Miscellany

HistorianRuby invites you all to participate in a blog trip of your choice!

You don’t like history? Really? You may be surprised at how many ways we can consume history – if you’re not sure, take a look at my post The Many Ways to Consume History.

Did you stop to look at that statue that had a bird on its head? Did it make you smile? There’s always a story behind a statue . . .

How about a little family history? Do you like to reminisce about a fishing trip with your dad and uncle thirty years ago? Or did your grandmother teach you to bake?

What about when your favourite football team won the cup for the first or last time and you were there to see every nerve-wracking minute of it. It’s all history.

Or how you hated history at school as they made you learn about…

View original post 312 more words

9 thoughts on “You’re all Welcome to Join HistorianRuby on a Trip to the Museum!

    1. In my head I’m thinking of one of the first posts I read of yours. Your Dad and Ireland? I’ve no idea of the full content now, I know it was funny and it probably isn’t history related, but stil …
      On another note – I tried to search your site for said post and I couldn’t see a category section or a search box to search for it?
      Although I can only think of ‘Dad’, ‘deaf’ and ‘Ireland’ to place in a search field!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh I think you mean the ho-er at moher!!
        There should be a search box but an index is something I have planned for when I get back from visiting my dad again at the end of the month 😊

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  1. Oh dear, I’m late to the party. I can’t seem to comment on the original post, so I will here. I have a general lifestyle blog, but I love history, and anything vintage. Last November in honor of Remembrance Day I posted a blog on my Uncle Charlie WW1 veteran. Although all we have left are his WW1 medals and some memorabilia paybooks, postcards etc, I was able to trace his journey from his enlistment in Canada the last year of the war to Germany in 1918 and then later convalescing in England for six months with the Spanish Flu. Here’s a link to the blog. (PS. We also have his wooden walking stick which came in handy one Christmas for a 7 year old shepherd in a nativity play!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He had Spanish flu? I have written about this before on my blog, but I read a great article on it just today in the Guardian newspaper!

      I’ve not yet stopped the comments on the original post. I was aiming to do that around my bedtime tonight or at the latest breakfast time tomorrow.


      1. I reposted it in on the original blog…I guess I didn’t scroll down far enough! A great idea – you should do that once a month? Yes, Uncle Charlie almost died from the Spanish flu – 6 months recovering.

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